In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren in order to showcase the wonderful books bought/gifted/loaned/review need I go on. Books make everything better [ : D ]
This weeks IMM is with special thanks to Luisa Plaja who sent the wonderful books below for the school library. You cannot imagine how grateful myself and the pupils are to receive such wonderful books. Thank you.
(I am sure this one will go well with the girls)
(Fantastic book - review here)
(I have been desperate to read this myself *hides it under desk*)
(This is great for a little project I have planned in school for November [ : D ])
(another on that can be used for the WWII project - yay)
(always a popular choice with the boys)
I am always grateful for all the wonderful books generously donated to the library; it makes a huge difference.
Hopefully blogger will have fixed the problems with the commenting today so I can actually comment without being diverted to the sign in screen constantly *crosses fingers*
Have a great week.