For the first Saturday Spotlight I would like to post about an award I have been given *yay me* Blimey, I just noticed I have been given 2 different awards *squee*
Thank you so much to Lauren from I was a Teenage Book Geek for this award. Lauren is fantastic, she was one of my first followers when I was just dipping my toe into the ocean that is blogging : D Plus she leaves me lovely comments. Like I said she is fab : D
1. Thank and link to the person who gave you the award - check : D
2. Pass the award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic - see below3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won - check
4. State 7 things about yourself - see below
As I am relatively new to blogging myself it means that everyone is new to me, but here are a few of my favourites : D
State 7 things about yourself : S
1.I really want to dye my hair purple :D
2. I have a thing for literary vampires : D
3. I'm 40 next year but in my head I am still 22 : D
4. I dream about books
5. I think I have a bit of an addiction problem to books *see the tale of book addiction*
6. I worry that I am secretly an emo :(
7. I usual have my nose stuck in a book with my ipod in my ears - my hubs thinks I am anti-social lol
The 2nd award:
Received from The Beaucoup Review. Thank you very much Ria.
The rules are pretty much the same as The Beautiful Blogger award so I won't bother listing 7 more things about myself : D With regard to the list of bloggers instead of putting new ones I would like to list a few people that whose blogs motivate me and inspire me : D
Fluttering Butterflies - without Clover I would never have started this blog. She is an awesome friend to have and a very versatile blogger. Thanks for all your support & encouragement Clover.
I was a Teenage Book Geek - see above. Thanks for all your support.
Wondrous Reads - Jenny has an awesome blog and a really lovely person. Her blog is something I aspire too : D Plus I covet her books ;)
The Crooked Shelf - Carla I love the way you write. You constantly make me giggle thanks : D
Girls Without a Bookshelf - Dwayne thanks for supporting me from the beginning and letting me be part of your Book Tour : D
Don't forget if you would like to be part of Saturday Spotlight please email me : D *crosses fingers*